Recently, Dr. Zhang’s group have developed several novel multilayer circuits from 70 to 110 GHz, including circuits transitions between microstrip lines, striplines, substrate integrated waveguides (SIWs), filters, and their integration with monolithic millimeter-wave (mmW) or microwave integrated circuits (MMICs). These devices addresses leading low loss, broad bandwidth, and good electromagnetics compatibilities, which have found many applications in millimeter wave imaging and communication systems. The substrate, namely liquid crystal polymer (LCP), is an emerging PCB material, which is flexible, and thus suitable for conformal applications.

Paper list:
1.Y. Zhang*, R. D. Martin, S. Shi, A. A. Wright, P. Yao, K. Shreve, D. Mackrides, C. Harrity, and D. W. Prather, 95-GHz front-end receiving multichip module on multilayer LCP substrate for passive millimeter-wave imaging,IEEE Trans. Compon. Packag. Manuf. Technol., 8 (12), 2180-2189, 2018.
2.Y. Zhang*, S. Shi, R. D. Martin, P. Yao, F. Wang, and D. W. Prather, Ultra-wideband vialess microstrip line-to stripline transition in multilayer LCP substrate for E- and W-band applications,IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., 27 (12), 1101-1103, 2017.
3.Y. Zhang*, F. Wang, S. Shi, R. D. Martin, P. Yao, and D. W. Prather, Ultra-wideband microstrip line-to-microstrip line transition in multilayer LCP substrate at millimeter-wave frequencies,IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., 27 (10), 873-875, 2017.
4.Y. Zhang*, S. Shi, R. D. Martin, A. A. Wright, P. Yao, K. Shreve, C. Harrity, and D. W. Prather, Packaging of high-gain multichip module in multilayer LCP substrates at W-band,IEEE Trans. Compon. Packag. Manuf. Technol., 7 (10), 1655-1662, 2017.
5.Y. Zhang*, S. Shi, R. D. Martin, and D. W. Prather, Broadband SIW-to-waveguide transition in multilayer LCP substrates at W-band,IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., 27 (3), 224-226, 2017.
6.Y. Zhang*, S. Shi, R. D. Martin, and D. W. Prather, Slot-coupled directional filters in multilayer LCP substrates at 95 GHz,IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn., 65 (2), 476-483, 2017.