高级编程技术 (全英教学)
1. 超大规模集成电路及其系统设计
2. 片上多核MPSoC处理器设计
3. 视频处理算法及其ASIC设计,HEVC,H.264
4. 图形处理器GPU,通信处理IP, DDR处理IP等
5. 生物芯片ASIC设计,人脸识别算法ASIC设计
6. LED控制与驱动芯片设计。完全自主知识产权完成5款芯片设计,其中两款芯片成功量产,另外3款MPW一次性流片成功
7. 光通信系统及芯片设计。实现基于LED驱动控制的可见光通信系统,并进行芯片设计。
1. 具有自主知识产权的嵌入式软件关键技术研发及产业化示范( 2013CXB30201),山东省科技厅,省重大专项
2. 下一代超高清视频解码标准和IP架构研究(2013-1-2569), 多媒体国家重点实验室
3. 融聚片上系统流总线能效模型研究(ZR2013FQ006),山东省自然科学基金,省科技厅,省基金
4. 自由视点四维空间视频处理及其专用集成电路设计关键技术研究,中国博士后基金面上基金,国家教育部
5. 立体视频压缩处理算法及专用集成电路设计研究,专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室基金,省部级
6. 立体视频压缩处理算法及其专用集成电路设计研究,山东省博士后创新基金
7. SL1101芯片研究开发(11131109),横向
8. 上海大峡谷光电科技有限公司产学研合作(11131124),横向
9. 生物特征复合认证芯片SS01(11131214),横向
10. 多标准高清视频编解码加速引擎IP的研究与设计,山东大学自主创新基金
1. Tile-Based EGPU with a Fused Universal Processing Engine and Graphics Coprocessor Cluster,Journal of Sensors,v2016, SCI,影响因子1.182,通讯作者
2. Analysis of HEVC coding standard,International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology,v8,n7, pp.319-334,EI,通讯作者
3. A 32nm EGPU parallel multiprocessor based on co-issue and multi-dimensional parallelism architecture,International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering,v10,n5, pp.343-354,EI,通讯作者
4. Software and hardware implementations of stereo matching, International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition,v7, n4, pp.37-56,2014.8, EI, 第一作者
5. Bipolar-CMOS-DMOS process-based a robust and high-accuracy low drop-out regulator,Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control, v12, n2, pp.283-290,2014.2, EI,通讯作者
6. Mouth feature based smile detection,International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, vol.6, num.23, pp.826-837 ,2013.1, EI,通讯作者
7. Analysis and evaluation of HEVC,Applied Decisions in Area of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Manufacturing,v577, pp.1030-1033,2014, EI,通讯作者
8. A 18.4M Triangless 122.6 mW Tile Co-processor for Embedded GPU Systems,Progress in Mechatronics and Information Technology, v462–463,2014, pp.1050-1054.,2014, EI,通讯作者
9. Architecture for Vertex Transformation and Triangle Clipping in 3D Graphics,Progress in Mechatronics and Information Technology, v462–463,2014, pp.1040-1045.,2014, EI,通讯作者
10. A High-Accuracy and Robust Low Drop-Out Regulator for Outdoor Decorative Lighting LED Driver,Progress in Mechatronics and Information Technology, v462–463,2014, pp.609-614,2014, EI,通讯作者
11. A Novel Approach to Detect Smile Expression,International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, Vol.1, pp.482-487,2013.1, EI,通讯作者
12. A 18.4M Triangless 122.6 mW Tile Co-processor for Embedded GPU Systems,Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volumes 462 - 463, pp 1050-1054,2013.10, EI,通讯作者
13. Architecture for Vertex Transformation and Triangle Clipping in 3D Graphics,Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volumes 462-463, pp 1040-1045,2013.10, EI,通讯作者
14. A High-Accuracy and Robust Low Drop-Out Regulator for Outdoor Decorative Lighting LED Driver,Applied Mechanics and Materials, volumes 462-463, pages609-614,2013, EI,通讯作者
15. Accelerated Belief Propagation for Hardware Implementation, International conference on Multimedia technology,2011,7, EI,第一作者
16. An Adaptive Soft Decision Method for Depth Map Prediction,IEEE conference on ICCSIT,2011, EI,第一作者
17. Depth Map Optimization Based on Adaptive Chrominance Image Segmentation,International conference on ICCNE,2011, EI,第一作者
18. Investigation of Combined Temporal and Interview Prediction For Depth Map Calculation,IEEE conference on ICCSIT,EI,第一作者
1. 一种数据行宽度可动态配置的Cache结构设计方法, 发明,201310129658.8
2. 自由视点四维空间视频编码系统的编码方法,201210180940.4
3. 一种应用于电源管理电路中的快速下电控制电路,201310023104.X
4. 一种数据行宽度可动态配置的cache结构设计方法,201310129658.8
5. 一种可编程的非交叠时钟产生电路, 201320033750.X
6. 一种应用于电源管理电路中的快速下电控制电路, 201320034138.4
7. 一种应用于电源管理电路中的快速下电控制电路, 201310023104.X
8. 一种新型会员卡及其工作方法, 2013105425889
9. 一种提高NANDflash控制器读写速度的方法, 2013105428618
10. 一种AXI总线与AHB总线的通信方法与装置, 2013105765857
11基于AXI总线的NorFlash芯片的控制方法, 2013106338515