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周卫东,男,工学博士,教授,博士生导师。1964年出生, 1986年和1989年分别于浙江大学取得学士学位和硕士学位。2005年于山东大学获工学博士学位。89年7月分配至山东大学工作,主要从事信号处理及应用、智能测控及嵌入式系统的科研和教学工作。

为中国生物医学工程学会生物医学信息与控制分会委员,中国电子学会和生物医学工程学会高级会员。Journal of Measurement Science and Instrument编委。国家自然科学基金、科技部和山东省科技项目同行评审专家。2004年-2005年加拿大McGill大学访问学者。

已取得省级技术鉴定成果三项,获得山东省青年科技奖、山东省科委科技进步奖、山东省教委科技进步奖等多项奖励。多次前往美国、加拿大、日本和香港地区访问交流和参加国际学术会议。在IEEE Trans、International Journal of Neural Systems、 Biomedical Signal Processing and Control、Clinical EEG and neuroscience、Biological Cybernetics、自动化学报、中国生物医学工程学报、仪器仪表学报 等学术刊物发表学术论文60多篇,其中被SCI或 EI收录近30篇。已指导毕业博士和硕士研究生30多名,培养的博士和硕士研究生曾获国家奖学金等多项奖励。毕业生去向:华为、中兴通讯等公司,高等院校,硕博连读等。


1. 智能检测与控制。

2. 嵌入式系统。

3. 生物医学信号处理。

4. 深度学习与模式识别。



Junhui Li,Weidong Zhou*,Shasha Yuan,Yanli Zhang,An improved Sparse Representation Over Learned Dictionary Method for Seizure Detection,International Journal of Neural Systems,2015,25(12):1550035. (SCI)

Aiyu Yan,Weidong Zhou*,Qi Yuan,et al.,Jiwen Wang,Automatic seizure detection using Stockwell transform and boosting algorithm for long-term EEG,Epilepsy and Behavior,2015,45:8-14 (SCI)

Yuan Shasha, Zhou Weidong*, Yuan Qi, Kernel Collaborative Representation Based Automatic Seizure Detection In Intracranial EEG, International Journal of Neural Systems, 24(4): 1450015, 2015. (SCI)

Shujuan Geng, Weidong Zhou*, Xiuhe Zhao, et al., Bifurcation and oscillation in a time-delay neural mass modelBiological Cybernetics December, 108(6): 747-756, 2014. (SCI)

Yanli Zhang, Weidong Zhou*, Qi Yuan, Qi Wu. A low computation cost method for seizure prediction, Epilepsy Research, 108(8): 1357-1366, 2014 (SCI)

Yuan Qi, Zhou Weidong*, Yuan Shasha, et al. Epileptic EEG classification based on kernel sparse representation, International Journal of Neural Systems, 24(4): 1450015, 2014. (SCI)

Fangzhou Xu, Weidong Zhou*, Yilin Zhen, and Qi Yuan, Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks for Electrocorticogram based Brain-Computer Interface, Biomedical Engineering Letters, 2014, 4(2): 149-157. (EI)

Zhou Weidong*, Liu Yinxia, Yuan Qi, Li Xueli. Epileptic seizure detection using lacunarity and bayesian linear discriminant analysis in intracranial EEG, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 60(12): 3375-3381, 2013. (SCI)

Zhen Ma, Weidong Zhou*, Shujuan Geng, et al., Synchronization regulation in a model of coupled neural masses. Biological Cybernetics, 107(2): 131-140, 2013. (SCI)

Yinxia Liu, Weidong Zhou, Qi Yuan, Shuangshuang Chen. Automatic Seizure Detection Using Wavelet Transform and SVM in Long-Term Intracranial EEG. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering, 20(6): 749-755, 2012. (SCI)

Sun Wenhong, Zhou Weidong*, Yang Mingqiang. Non-rigid registration of medical images with scale-space corner detection and thin-plate spline, Biomedical Signal Processing & Control, 7(6SI): 599-605, 2012. (SCI)

Qi Yuan,Weidong Zhou*, Yinxia Liu, Jiwen Wang. Epileptic seizure detection with linear and nonlinear features. Epilepsy & behavior, 24(4): 415-421, 2012. (SCI)

Qi Yuan, Weidong Zhou*, Shufang Li, Dongmei Cai. Epileptic EEG classification based on extreme learning machine and nonlinear features. Epilepsy Research, 96(1-2): 29-38, 2011. (SCI)

郭秀梅,周卫东,耿淑娟. 基于水平扩张毯子维的掌纹识别, 自动化学报. 38(09): 1496-1502, 2012.(EI)

刘凯, 周卫东, 王玉. 基于毯子维和缺项的虹膜特征提取算法, 模式识别与人工智能, 24(6), 2011. (EI)

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