We recognized a wireless communication model that extensively exists in biosystems. It states that biological electromagnetic (EM) signals are generated by transient transmembrane ionic currents through Na+, K+and Ca2+protein channels once they are triggered open, and the EM pulses propagate along the naturally formed softmaterial waveguide path, which is made of membrane immersed in intracellular and extracellular fluids. This model could explain well the saltatory conduction in myelinated axons. However, there was few studies on the transmission properties of electromagnetic signals in softmaterial waveguides.
In this work, by means of both experiment and computational simulation we examined one kind of softmaterial waveguide, which has the configuration of ionic fluids filled in and out of a dielectric tube. We investigated configurations with varied parameters, i.e., tube thickness from 0.2 mm to 5.0 mm, tube length of 2.0–12.0 cm, ionic concentration covering 4 orders of magnitude from 0.0002–2.0 mol/L, frequency of 10 Hz to 100 MHz for sine wave excitations, pulse duration of 5 ns to 100 ms for excitation pulses. We also mimicked the myelin sheath structure in myelinated axons in simulation. Both experimental and simulation results consistently showed a clear confinement effect for the energy flux of transmitting electromagnetic waves inside the dielectric tube, strongly supporting the model of softmaterail waveguide. The results revealed that the softmaterial waveguide had a low-pass nature, where the intensity of transmitted signals saturated at a duration of 10–100 μs for pulses, or cut off at frequency of 10–100 kHz for sine waves. And, the transmission efficiency increased with the thickness of the dielectric layer, as well as ion concentration of the solution. The results may help for a better understanding various electrical communication behaviors observed in biosystems, where a natural lipid membrane with bilateral fluids was suggested as the efficient pathway for pulsed neural impulses in a way similar to soliton-like electromagnetic pulses transmitting in a softmaterial waveguide.